A summary of galactic history

Note: channels, contactees and abductees have all been told stories about the history of different races that inhabit this part of the galaxy. These stories often contradict each other. This is my personal attempt to summarize those stories in a consistent way. It is important to keep in mind that at present we can't really verify any of this information nor its accuracy. - This is part 1 of a 2-part series.

Mankind is not the only intelligent species in this galaxy, and neither are we the only humanoid civilisation. Even within our immediate galactic neighbourhood, there are several humanoid races. Most of them are physical; some are not. Most of these races have visited the Earth. Some of them still do, and even have bases on Earth. Some alien humanoid races also played an important part in the history of Earth and of mankind. As a matter of fact, mankind did not even originate here on planet Earth. We are descendants of these other human-like races who visited Earth aeons ago. Therefore, if we wish to understand our history and our nature as a species, we have to go back in time, millions of years ago, to those worlds where mankind came into existence.

The most important humanoid civilisations can be found in the star systems of Lyra, Vega, Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades, and Andromeda. Lyra is the place where the cradle of the humanoid races once stood, millions of year ago. Most races are descendants from the Lyran/Vegan group. They usually are crossbreeds between local stock and Lyran/Vegan DNA.

To understand our history, we have to understand their history: How they ventured into space and started colonising; How they encountered other races and civilisations; How conflicts erupted with other civilisations, and how this led to mass migrations and to endless wars. Some wars are on Earth, are re-enactments of wars that have already been fought elsewhere.


Preliminary notes

Before we move on to the actual study of Galactic History, it is important to realize that such research is still in its very early stages. Most of the available information comes from contactees and channellers. For my personal research, I have also been able to draw upon information obtained from regression sessions, in which people went back to “past lives” on other planets, and from “active recall” by some people who started remembering elements of past lives.

Needless to say that at present, the study of Galactic History is very much a work in progress, where information constantly has to be re-evaluated. This is partly due to a number of problems we are facing.

A first set of problems has to do with the reliability of the information, where ‘interference' and ‘bias' are factors to be taken into account. Most channellers notoriously ‘interpret' the information they are receiving, which can be a first level of (sometimes substantial) distortion. A second element to be aware of is the source of the information. To use an analogy: ask a US Democrat, a US Republican, an Iraqi civilian, an Iranian civilian, and an Israeli civilian to describe the war in Iraq. Even though all of them will be describing the same event, you would probably have a hard time figuring out that they are. The same problem exists with regard to Galactic History, where the sources of information – from whom the channellers or contactees get their information – may be prone to bias. The problem is repeated again on the level of the person researching Galactic History, who may be biased towards certain interpretations. People who have been the subject of victimisation, e.g., may be more prone to see conflicts in terms of victims and victimisers.

A second set of problems has to do with the way we calculate time. We calculate in years, which correspond to orbits of the Earth around the sun. At present such an orbit takes 365.24 days. But there are several myths on Earth that describe a time before the Moon was present, and before Venus was in its present location, and when a year took only 360 days (– hence the 360 degrees in a circle). If this is true, then how do you calculate the time before the change in orbit to 365.24 days? Do you stick to 365.24 days, or do you stick to orbits, which would make it 360 days? What if the length of a year changed not once, but several times? Sumerian mythology describes the passage of a large celestial body (Nibiru / Marduk) every 3600 years, and depending on where Earth is on its orbit around the sun with regard to this object, its trajectory speed may be slowed down (if the object is ‘behind' it) or sped up (if the object is ‘in front' of it) because of the gravitational pull of this object. So the length of a year on Earth could change every 3600 years.

To make matters more complex, we calculate time in relation to events that happened in the past, and we use different points of reference. The Jewish calendar, e.g., started approximately 3600 years before the Christian calendar, which started approximately 600 years before the Muslim calendar. And I haven't even mentioned the Mayan calendar which is not linear but cyclic in nature.

Add to that the fact that the extraterrestrial source of information may have a completely different way of calculating time, which means they'd have to do ‘conversions' each time they tell a story. In the “RA Material” the extraterrestrial source called RA famously complained that they couldn't find a way to accurately translate their way of ‘timing' events to our way of calculating time.

When studying Galactic History, we often come across anomalies in the timelines, where one source will mention an event, e.g., 40 million years ago, while another will situate the same event 25 million years ago. Given the above, such anomalies should not come as a surprise.


The Galactic Wars

Early Stages

Most sources agree that, in our part of the Galaxy, the cradle of mankind stood in the constellation of Lyra, millions of years ago. (Lyssa Royal puts this at 25 million years ago, while Alex Collier puts it 40 million years ago. For convenience sake, I'll stick to Lyssa Royal's timeline, as it matches the timelines encountered in regression sessions). Over time several humanoid species evolved. The majority of them were Lyran Caucasians, who looked virtually identical to the Caucasian race on Earth, today (though many of them were taller). Approximately 22 million years ago, they were capable of travelling to other stars. As soon as they started exploring other systems in their galactic vicinity, they also began to colonise neighbouring planets. It didn't take long before they came across other humanoid races. The first such race they encountered was in Vega, also within the Lyran constellation (but fairly close to Earth, as it is only 25 light years away from us). Vega, too, was inhabited by humanoid races, most of them brown-skinned. These first encounters went peacefully. Soon the populations started interacting, and joined forces in the further exploration and colonisation of space. They went to Orion, Sirius, Altair, Alpha Centauri, and other worlds.

One of the first non-humanoid races they came across was the Reptilian race that had its home in the Draco constellation. Nobody is really sure where the Draco originated. Most sources say they ‘were brought' here from another galaxy or even another universe, probably billions of years ago. They were capable of space travel long before mankind even existed. At the time of the first encounters the Draco Reptilians already had been exploring and colonising for aeons, and had a vast organised empire, usually referred to as the Draconian Empire . This empire still exists today, and is one of the main players on the galactic exopolitical scene. The empire originated on Thuban (Alpha Draconis), and consists mainly of various groups of reptilian and dinosaur-like species, but humanoid worlds have joined, too, some forcefully, some willingly. – Its most important members are based in Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli, Polaris, Rigel (Orion), Bellatrix (Orion), Capella (Alpha Aurigae), etc.

The first encounters between the Lyran / Vegan explorers and the Draconian explorers did not go well. Conflicts broke out over worlds they both wanted to colonise, and had claimed for themselves. It was in the area of what is now the Ring Nebula that the first fights broke out. Things then came to a dramatic escalation when the Draconians engaged in a full force attack upon the Lyran home planets and destroyed several of them, killing millions of Lyrans. At that time, however, the majority of Lyrans had already emigrated to other worlds. They vowed to retaliate.


The Orion Wars

While the first encounters and first conflicts between the two species took place in the Lyra Constellation, it was Orion that would become the main stage for their altercations. The worlds of Orion, at that time, were inhabited by various groups of Lyrans, Vegans, and Reptilians. (The Greys only came much later). After the Draconian Reptilians had attacked the Lyran home worlds, the Lyrans in the Orion colonies retaliated by attacking Reptilian colonies in Orion. Of course, the Draconian Reptilians responded.

By that time, however, some humanoid (mainly Vegan) races had already started co-operating with reptilian races because they found they shared a common agenda of space exploration and colonisation. (This co-operation would eventually lead to the establishment of the Orion Empire . This Orion Empire is more recent than the Draconian Empire, and was established after the Vegans engaged in space exploration. It consists of a mixture of reptilian and humanoid civilisations. Nowadays, the Greys form the majority of these reptilian civilisations, whereas most of the humanoid civilisations are of Vegan descent. Approximately one in every six worlds in the Orion constellation has a reptilian population. When the wars between the Lyrans and Draconians started, there was no Orion Empire, yet; but there where co-operation agreements).

The wars escalated fast. Several worlds that been subjugated by the Draconians, started an uprising and joined the Lyrans in fighting the Draconians. This joining of forces would lead to the foundation of a “ Federation of Planets ” whose members stood united in fighting the Draconians. The Federation still exists today, and still is one of the main players. It consists of civilisations from the Lyra constellation, from the Andromeda Constellation, from the Pleiades and Hyades open clusters, from Iumma [Wolf 424], Procyon, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, and Epsilon Eridani, all of which are of Lyran/Pleiadian heritage. They were joined by a number of non-physical races, by some Sirian groups, as well as by some Orion organisations, and by various civilisations from a parallel universe such as the Koldasians, and the Dal. It even got some unexpected members when some worlds with reptilian inhabitants joined, wanting to free themselves from submission to the Draconians.

The Vegans and Reptilians of Orion that had made co-operation agreements with each other, probably established the Orion Empire around the same time as the Federation came into existence. In all likelihood, they did this to stay out of the wars. That plan, however, was to fail.

Over time the nature of the wars changed. Where the war initially was over territory, it became a war of mind-sets and ideologies. On the one hand there was a group of mainly humanoid races that had joined forces in the Federation. Many of its members felt they had been ‘victimised' by the Draconians, and therefore rejected the idea of colonisation and intervention in other worlds. Gradually, they became committed to the idea of service to others . On the other hand there was a mixed group of humanoids and reptilian races that propagated service to self . In this ideology, the Draconian and Orion Empires found each other as like-minded, and this would lead to their joining forces. Since then, they are often referred to as the Orion / Draconian Empires.

Initially the philosophy of service to self implied that when everybody takes care of him- or herself, then the whole is taken care of, too. But gradually it changed into service to self, if necessary at the expense of others, which resulted in “victimisers” and “victims.” The victims and their allies, who had joined forces in a Federation, started looking upon the victimisers as evil, while they started seeing themselves as good. A s a result the wars got polarised, and ended up being wars of duality, even though things didn't start of like that, at all. Now history is filled with examples of how a polarised conflict can never be resolved as long as the polarities remain. It was no different in the Orion wars that lasted for aeons, but where no breakthroughs by either side would ever be lasting.



The earliest humanoid civilisations were explorers and colonisers, which led to some migrations. When the wars erupted, more migrations followed. If we dramatically simplify things, we could say that the spread of mankind through this part of the galaxy, over millions of years, happened in seven consecutive waves of colonisations / migrations.

1. As was mentioned before, the story starts in Lyra, where approx. 22 million years ago, the first humanoid civilisations began their space exploration adventures, to boldly go where no man had gone before. The first worlds they colonised were Vega, that itself was already inhabited by a humanoid species, and Apex. Later on the Lyran explorers would also move to Sirius, and on to Orion; while others already came to Earth, and from Earth moved on to the Pleiades.

Migration 1


2. The original humanoid population of Vega soon started their own space explorations, and created settlements on worlds in Altair, Centauri, Sirius, and Orion. Some of them even came to Earth. While exploring the Ring Nebula, they came across lizard-like races that claimed the territory for themselves. This is where the Galactic wars erupted.

Migration 2


3. A nuclear war on Apex destroyed much of its surface, forcing its inhabitants to live underground for thousands of years. The radiation also damaged their reproductive capacities, forcing them to use cloning as a way to survive as a species. The Apexians would become the Greys from Zeta Reticuli.


4. Settlers also moved to Arcturus, where as a species, they advanced very fast. Most Arcturians nowadays are non-physical, higher-dimensional beings, though physical races still exist as well.

Migration 4


5. In the worlds around Sirius the humanoid settlers found many other species that were not like them at all. Some settlers therefore chose to move on to Orion. Later on, loads of Sirians migrated to Earth, too.

Migration 5


6. The main battleground for the Galactic Wars was in Orion. Because of this, many descendants of humanoid settlers in Orion, fled, and also migrated to Earth.

Migration 6


7. Some of the very first Lyran colonisers had to come to Earth. When their descendants were afraid the Galactic Wars were coming too close to Earth, most of them moved to the Pleiades. After time, however, some of their descendants decided to hook up with their relatives from Earth again, and came back to Earth.

Migration 7


Conflict Resolution

The wars literally lasted for millions of years. During all this time, there were attempts to find a peaceful solution. Two such attempts are important to us: one in Sirius, which failed, and one in Orion, which succeeded.

The Sirian Solution

The worlds of Sirius were mainly inhabited by ‘refugees,' i.e. by people who fled the wars, whether they were reptilian or human. Many of them came from Orion, and moved to Sirius to leave the wars behind them. (Several had moved to Earth, as well). But wherever these refugees went, the wars kept coming closer. The Sirians didn't really want to get involved, but tensions were rising, and soon there were occasional fights between the different groups. In order to maintain the peace, some groups in Sirius then came up with an inventive solution for conflict resolution: inspired by the idea of an alchemical union of opposites, they suggested a marriage between royal lineages to create a common dynasty, which would unite the people. And so a common dynasty was established, but the marriage didn't have the result they had hope for, as members of the royal families kept arguing, and many people did not pledge their allegiance to the new dynasty. The result was that the Sirian system, to this day, is inhabited by different groups, with different agendas and allegiances.

Important for the history of Earth is that members of the new royal dynasty settled on Nibiru, which through some cataclysmic event would be thrown out of its original orbit around one of the stars of Sirius. Its new orbit would catapult it on a trajectory in which it circled both our sun as well as one of the Sirian Stars. These inhabitants of Nibiru would become the Anunnaki that visited Earth in the past, and intervened in our history (for the last 400,000 years).


The Orion Solution

Every once in a while, usually within the worlds that had been submitted by the Orion and Draconian Empires, there would be rebellions by groups that did no longer want to be submitted, but that did not want to join the Federation, either. Things only started changing when groups within the Federation got fed up with the war, too, and broke away from the Federation. Thus a third party of “rebels” or “renegades” emerged, and the balances of power changed forever. Neither the Federation, nor the Empires dared launch a large-scale attack upon the rebels, fearing that if they would do so, the rebels would team up with the others, and that joining of forces would create an unbeatable enemy. But even though a lot of people were sympathetic to some of ideas of the rebels about ending the war, the rebels didn't succeed in making any major breakthroughs in negotiations with either the Federation or the Empires. It looked like a new stalemate was reached, only this time there were three parties involved, instead of two.

Then the story takes an unexpected turn. Nowadays we know Merlin as the counsel or magician of the legendary King Arthur. However, Merlin, or at least the Merlin archetype, already made his first appearance during the Orion wars. Within the ranks of the rebels, he grew up as a young boy with remarkable talents. When he reached manhood, he started teaching about universal spiritual laws, about unconditional love and forgiveness. He pointed out that all parties, including the rebels, were still caught in a dualistic and polarised perception of reality, that this dualistic perception is an illusion and that only unconditional love and forgiveness would be able to end the conflict. And so Merlin succeeded at first in changing the mindsets of the rebels, and soon afterwards those of the Federation and the Empires, too. He taught them to transcend and value their differences. Peace agreements between parties were reached, and with this peace and the change of mindsets came a dramatic increase in awareness and raise in con­scious­ness. Entire masses of people ascended into a higher dimensional reality. Thus, Merlin became known as the Unifier. A priesthood that teaches his ideas still exists, and is widely respected.

Still, peace was not established everywhere, as not everybody was ready to accept these new teachings. There is, even today, some fighting going on in some parts of this galaxy, where parties are still submerged in dualistic thinking. Earth, unfortunately, is one of those places where the majority of the people are still living in the veils of illusion of duality. Yet overall in our galactic neigh­bourhood, there is peace, and where there is no peace, there often is a truce.


Recent Developments

Many of the players of the galactic wars are still around today. The Federation is still active, as are the two Empires. Since the war ended, they live more or less in peace with each other, even though there still are groups, as well, that keep on fighting.

In more recent times, we see a resurgence of aggressive colonisations, by some Grey and Reptilian groups. This had led to a schism within the Federation. The Federation still tends to stick to a non-intervention rule. The breakaway group partially disagrees. They state that non-intervention only works when nobody intervenes. If another party does, however, intervene, then standing by and letting them intervene makes you an accomplice to their intervention by allowing it to happen. So they advocate counter-intervention and even pre-emptive counter-intervention in those cases where others are intervening, or are about to do so. This breakaway group contains members of Arcturus, Korender, Procyon, Alcyone and others. Some authors refer to this breakaway group as ‘ the Alliance .'



Procyon is the name of a binary star system, not too far from Sirius, in Canis Minor, about 11.4 light years away. A lot of stories about alien contact with people that look like Swedes, or Nordics, or Blonds, mention Procyon as their home planet. As such they belong to the Lyran Caucasian group.

Most authors agree that Procyon was started as a colony by Rigelians of Lyran descent. When Rigel was taken over by the Greys, the Rigelian Blonds fled to Procyon. Both Alex Collier and George Andrews claim that the Procyons recently got into a fight with Greys, and had to chase them from their world. This explains their frequent interaction with contactees on Earth where they warn about the activities of the Greys.


 This article was originally published on 16 November 2009, at http://news.exopoliticssouthafrica.org/index.php/exo-articles/47-a-summary-of-galactic-history-part-1.
In January 2015 the links to the images had to be restored.