Exo-102: Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Civilizations


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Introduction - course description

This course examines the key principles of 'galactic diplomacy' at the unofficial level, as a form of 'track two' or 'citizen diplomacy' aimed at establishing contact and communications with different extraterrestrial races. The course analyses the nature of diplomatic representation on Earth that might be recognized by various extraterrestrial races. Particular focus will be on the representative status of different global constituencies such as politically organized humanity, cetaceans, alleged subterranean civilizations, and the role of Earth or 'Gaia' as a living organism. The course examines the need for 'citizen diplomacy' with extaterrestrials as a means of complementing official diplomatic relations between major nations and extraterrestrial races. Finally, the course examines how national security agencies will respond to 'citizen diplomacy' between private citizens/groups with extraterrestrials in terms of four key challenges confronting the practice of this form of diplomacy:

  1. the extent of private communications and interactions with extraterrestrial races;
  2. the coercive resources of shadow government agencies;
  3. the degree to which extraterrestrial races may manipulate citizens engaging in track two galactic diplomacy; and
  4. implications of initiatives and agreements reached through citizen diplomacy with extraterrestrials.

Registration can be done at The Exopolitics Institute.


Course Overview

As the course title - Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Civilizations - suggests, we will be looking primarily at non-official forms of communicating and interacting with extraterrestrial civilizations. This will be based on ‘citizen’ or ‘track two’ methods of diplomacy, which is a generic term used for anything that happens at the non-official level and involves private actors intervening in international diplomacy. This form of diplomacy has become quite common since the 1980's and it is now routinely accepted that private actors, ‘citizen organizations' or NGOs, intervene in international conflicts in order to promote dialogue and non-violent resolution of conflict. In this course we will be extending this concept of citizen diplomacy into the exopolitical arena.

Over the length of the course, we will be looking at a number of thematic issues concerning citizen diplomacy with extraterrestrials.

The course is thematically organized into four parts.

First, we look at (Part A) "The Motivations, Activities and History of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Visiting Earth." This will be critical for the course since without understanding what extraterrestrials want, what they are doing, and the history of their interaction with humanity, we would not be very successful in efforts to communicate and interact with them. Essentially, diplomacy in any form requires some understanding of motivations, activities and history of the key actors in a diplomatic situation whether at the local, national, international or exopolitical level.

The second part of the course (Part B) examines different "Representational Models for Earth in Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials." Essentially, the key to diplomacy is representation. Who are the key constituencies on Earth and who represents what? Who can governments legitimately claim to represent, and who can we as private citizens legitimately claim to represent in our communications and interactions with extraterrestrial races? You may not be surprised to learn that as far as extraterrestrials are concerned, representation is not purely a matter of political elites speaking on behalf of the entire human population. There are other constituencies and dynamics involved in terms of who speaks on behalf of global humanity, and for planet Earth more generally.

The third part of the course (Part C) "Applying Principles and Dynamics of Citizen Diplomacy to Extraterrestrial Affairs" gets us into the core of the course. Here we learn how to apply techniques, strategies and practices from citizen diplomacy into extraterrestrial affairs. This will be vital for the success of the course since ultimately we want to be able to apply these principles of citizen diplo¬macy in ways that help global humanity better deal with the extraterrestrial presence and confront extraterrestrial related issues.

The fourth and final part of the course (Part D) deals with "The Reaction of National Security Agencies to ‘Citizen Diplomacy with extraterrestrial civilizations' by ‘Awakened Humanity'." It would be foolish to assume that governments would take no interest in the efforts of private individuals and ‘citizen organizations’ to communicate and interact with extraterrestrials in some organized way. Since the early 1950's governments have taken a keen interest in the activities of ‘contactees’ who have communicated and interacted with extraterrestrials. This involved surveillance, debriefings, intimidation, and co-optation. As private citizens begin to network and organize themselves in how they deal with extraterrestrials, this kind of government response is likely to become more pronounced. After all, if a group of private citizens organize something as simple as a petition concerning an extraterrestrial related matter, this might impact on the global exopolitical situation in a way that is undesired by governments. So this needs to be understood so that we as private citizens can become more effective. This concept of citizen diplomacy with extraterrestrials will be closely observed, and we can assume that everything transpiring in this course will be monitored.






14 January

Lecture 1

A.1. A Typology of Extraterrestrial Races – Understanding motivations …

21 January

Lecture 2

A.2. Understanding Galactic History – The legacy of extraterrestrial …

28 January

Lecture 3

A.3. Extraterrestrial History and Intervention on Earth

04 February

Lecture 4

B.1. Conventional Diplomacy and Competing Models for …

11 February

Lecture 5

B.2. Different Earth Constituencies and a more Comprehensive …

18 February

Lecture 6

B.3. The Significance of the ‘Gaia Hypothesis’ in Diplomatic Relations …

25 February

Lecture 7

C.1. Key Principles of Conflict Resolution, Mediation & Citizen Diplomacy

03 March



10 March

Lecture 8

C.2. ‘Awakened Humanity’ & ‘Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrials’

17 March

Lecture 9

C.3. Contemporary Citizen Diplomacy Initiatives with Extraterrestrials

24 March

Lecture 10

D.1. The Extent of Private Communications and Interactions with …

31 March

Lecture 11

D.2. Coercive Resources of Shadow Government Agencies and Citizen …

07 April

Lecture 12

D.3. How extraterrestrial races might manipulate unsuspecting citizens…

14 April

Lecture 13

D.4. Implications of Initiatives & Agreements Reached through Citizen…

21 April

Lecture 14

D.5. The Future of Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrials



Student Feedback

Q. What did you like most about this course?

I liked best reading the lectures, I read them immediately after they arrived, because the new weekly contents were presented in them in a clear and concise way so that I knew what to expect…. We covered a broad range of topics about the motivations, activities and intentions of various ET groups and our ‘elites’ and humanity’s best response to them in the form of citizen diplomacy; they not only made us realize how much there is to take into consideration to obtain the whole picture and act appropriately, but also had I think a huge psychological / emotional impact on each student.

Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Summer 2012

It seriously looks at the phenomena in a politically … organized fashion .which is not often found in books in related fields in the market . It’s worth taking this course for preparation if you are seriously [thinking] about being citizen diplomats with ET civilizations!

Stanley Ho, Hong Kong – Summer 2012

Certainly the Galactic history part was fascinating. This gave a new meaning to the contemporary expression “as above, so below”. One can also see patterns in that we are to a degree walking in our forefathers steps. It made it more understandable.

Kai Olson – Summer 2011

I very much appreciated the overall idea that the EXO-102 left me with, that Contact & Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Civilizations is something we should start integrating into our worldviews as issues that are not only reserved for sci-fi novels and blockbuster movies.
Frank, Belgium, Summer, 2009

The content and flow is amazing, leading to a crescendo at times. So stimulating and it blends in well with the others on the forum.
Neil Gould, Hong Kong, Summer, 2008

Certainly the Galactic history part was fascinating. This gave a new meaning to the contemporary expression “as above, so below”. One can also see patterns in that we are to a degree walking in our forefathers steps. It made it more understandable.
Kai Olsen - Exo-102-Summer-2011

EVERYTHING! Everyone put so much energy and brilliance into t his course. I don't know where to begin. The organization, insight and information provided by the syllabus and the readings are superb.
Jason Friend, California, USA, Summer, 2008

The criteria for evaluating the different sorts of contact. This will help with my further research and writing.
Dr Bernice Hill, Summer, 2009

I liked the interaction with each other and the instructor. Manuel was very thoughtful in his presentation of the information and in his responses to us.
Dr Mary Conley - Summer, 2009

Q. What would you say to prospective students contemplating this course?

This course will not only expand your knowledge and awareness of the subject but also provide intellectual and emotional stimulation and challenges that can hone your perspectives and the ability to communicate them clearly and effectively.
Karen Kael – Exo-102 – Summer 2013

We covered a broad range of topics about the motivations, activities and intentions of various ET groups and our ‘elites’ and humanity’s best response to them in the form of citizen diplomacy; they not only made us realize how much there is to take into consideration to obtain the whole picture and act appropriately, but also had I think a huge psychological/emotional impact on each student.
Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-102 – Summer 2012

As Ben Kenobi said : “ That’s good . You’ve taken your first step into a much larger world “
Stanley Ho, Hong Kong – Exo-102 – Summer 2012

The Exo-102 Course will most probably put you into a state of wondering and confusion as to what is all going on here, behind the scenes on this planet. What, How many, Who are all the different kind of intelligent forces presently on, in, and around this planet here? And what do they want here? And what are your options to play a role in this all? The Exo-102 Course makes you aware of the issues that are at stake; real life ET issues that are affecting your life; the things you are not supposed to know; the things that are to be expected in a near future, and how you could respond. I would recommend this course to anyone with the courage to face the complexity of what is going on around this planet.
Frank. Belgium, Summer, 2009

That the course is graduate level in its approach and the instructor very informed, responsive and thorough. It has been a pleasure working with him and my fellow classmates!
Dr Bernice Hill, Summer, 2009

I would tell them to definitely take this course. It is well written with a very thorough presentation of the subject of citizen diplomacy.
Dr Mary Conley, Summer, 2009

Times do change, however in today's world, the whole paradigm is changing. The fact that Dr Mitchell has broken out of the mold, confirms this. The tools for experiencing, understanding and activating ones passionate instincts in the new paradigm are to be found in this course.
Neil Gould, Hong Kong, Summer, 2008

It is very time consuming but perhaps it may be the most rewarding thing you have ever done. Do it! It will change your life forever in amazing ways.
Jason Friend, California, Summer, 2008


How are the courses given?

The course is given through a Yahoo Group / email list: every week one lecture is sent out. At the beginning of the course, students are given a syllabus with the recommended and optional reading (and viewing) for each week.

Are there assignments - homework, papers -  to be done?

The class can either be audited, which means there are no assignments to be done, or one can do the regular program. The latter involves some assignments: a weekly homework (answering two questions), a class presentation to be given during the course, and a term paper, to be handed in by the end of the course.

What does it cost, and how do I pay?

Registration, payments and prices are handled by the Exopolitics Institute.

To find out about the current cost and payment options, visit exopoliticsinstitute.org/register/