Exo-106: Developing the Road to Disclosure
- Quantum Cosmology
This advanced course is based on current research and current interviews with the major players in the disclosure process. These people are politicians, astronauts, medical doctors, physicists and pilots who have first hand knowledge. With this research, students in this course can play an important role in developing strategies for disclosure and a galactic citizen diplomacy on a grass roots level. It takes Ufology “out of the dark ages” and hurls into a serious academic discipline for the new millennium. She is working on a second book: How Does One Speak to a Ball of light? Exopolitical implications for Extraterrestrial contact in the near future. The course will be offered by distance education and will involve a weekly lecture, online course reading material, and student/instructor communication through an email list server.
Course Length: 14 weeks
Course Instructor: Paola Harris, MEd
Email: Paolaharris@hotmail.com
Recommended Texts:
- Dr. Michael E. Salla, Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004)
- Alfred Webre, Exopolitics: Politics, Government & Law in the Universe (Universe Books, 2005)
- Paola Harris,Connecting the Dots: Making sense of The Ufo Reality (Granite Publishing, 2003)
- Paul Hellyer, Interview
- Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Interview
- Colonel Philip, Corso Italian Interview: DVD
- Dr. Jacques Valle, Fast walker
- Dr. Steven Greer, Hidden Truth-Forbidden Knowledge (Crossing Point 2006)
- Ryan S. Wood, Majic Eyes Only Earth’s Encounters with extraterrestrial technology ( 2005)
- Gordon Copper (Mercury 7 Astronaut) Leap of Faith (Harper Collins 2000)
- Dr. Edgar Mitchell, The Way of the Explorer ( Richter Artes Graficas March 2001)
- Timothy Good, Alien Contact ( Quill William Morrow 1993)
Registration can be done at The Exopolitics Institute.
Weekly Class Schedule**
(Lectures sent out each Monday)- Week 1 – Introduction “Taking Ufology out of the Dark Ages”(essay)
- Week 2 – Documents:Other UfO Crashes and the Majic 12 Documents FOIA (Freedom of Information Act9 and the request for proof.
- Week 3 – Witness testimonies Steven Greer- a personal look at early citizen diplomacy efforts CSETI
- Week 4 – The briefing of Congress and the White House – The ” need to know” and Steven Greer’s efforts
- Week 5 – The Arrival of the politicians. The United Nations and EU resolutions. Timothy Good and Admiral Lord Hill -Norton GCB
- Week 6 – Ex. minister of defense Paul Hellyer and his interviews
- Week 7 – The Colonel Corso Interview in Rome DVD- ” We can handle the truth”!
- Week 8 – Dr. Michael Wolf Kruvante and Jacques Valle -” official deniability”. The truth in science Fiction : Fastwalker
- Week 9 – NASA knows. Interviews with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper and Clark McClelland NASA, Moon landings and Deep Space
“Mid Term Break”
- Week 10 – Dr. Michael Salla’s Book Exopolitics and its serious applications to our society. Alfred Weber’s book and the Canadian Connection
- Week 11 – The Hawaii Declaration on Peaceful Relations with Extraterrestrial Civilizations and the 2006 conference resolutions.
- Week 12 – The Brainstorming of Political involvement. Steven Schiff, Barry Goldwater, Carter, Eisenhower and Kennedy, Frances Barwood ( Phoenix lights)
- Week 13 – Strategic Principles & media coverage of the Extraterrestrial Presence. TV Documentaries, Print Media and Radio ( Coast to Coast)
- Last Week – Five page research paper using some or all of these book sources using this thematic.
** Note: A detailed syllabus with weekly readings will be posted to enrolled students before the completion of the course.