The 2019 Spring Semester starts on 14 January
The Spring Semester of courses starts on 14 January at the Exopolitics Institute.
3 courses are on offer:
- Exo-101: Introduction to Exopolitics,
- Exo-106: Developing the Road to Disclosure- Quantum Cosmology,
- Exo-108: The Role of Hollywood and the Media in the Disclosure Process
The UFO situation in Germany
Presentation by Robert Fleischer in Holmfirth, September 2018.
New research confirms Trappist-1 has seven earthlike planets
Trappist-1 has seven planets in the habitable zone, and all seven are rocky and have water.
Trappist-1 is only 40 light years away.
More at:
Richard Dolan on Fakers
Richard Dolan on the phenomenon of 'Fakers' in the field of Ufology (24 August 2018):
New evidence supports existence of planet nine
published an article on, "Planet Nine Could Be Our Solar System's Missing 'Super Earth',"The hypothetical planet is believed to be about 10 times more massive than Earth and located in the dark, outer reaches of the solar system, approximately 20 times farther from the sun than Neptune is. While the mysterious world still has yet to be found, astronomers have discovered a number of strange features of our solar system that are best explained by the presence of a ninth planet, according to the NASA statement.
More at the link above.
Book Review of Stan Ho’s "Another Reality"
This autobiographical book, written by Stan Ho, is dedicated to Stan’s experiences with UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects) and ET’s (Extra Terrestrials, or Aliens) all based on real life, truth, and fact. It covers topics such as encounters of various kinds, lucid dreaming, remote viewing, orbs, and consciousness.
The book has several forewords, where one can get a base knowledge of understanding of exopolitical matters. This field is heavily based on testimonies, historical records, and intense research. Through these methods, we’re able to discern fake news, conspiracy theories that have no base of facts, and collaboration with others who are on the front lines of working with the people who matter in this field. It was good to see so many forewords from the people who have really made a difference.
When we deal with subjects that are not widely known about, or are shrouded in uncertainty, mystery, and controversy, we must first attempt to educate our readers so we can help guide them into these realms. Stan has done a good job in laying down this base of information which makes it much easier to understand and digest the subject matter.
The alleged new MJ-12 document is fake
There is a new document going around, that allegedly is a newly leaked MJ-12 document.
Unfortunately, this document is a fake, that is filled with errors and falsehoods. The US,e.g. doesn't use an 'Ultra' or 'Ultra Top Secret' classification. (The UK did decades ago, and some Latin American countries still have an 'Ultra Secreto'; but the US don't). The branch of the DIA that deals with counterintelligence is not called the 'Office of counterintelligence.' The document is filled with factual errors that a real report wouldn't have: Kirtland AFB, e.g., is in Albuquerque NM, not in Texas. Flat Rock, Nevada only exists in science fiction novels, etc.
Here are the conclusions of some researchers:
Kevin Randle: "I see that there really is nothing new here. The information about Roswell is wrong, the name of the base is wrong, the chain of command is wrong, and even the higher headquarters at Fort Worth is wrong (it wasn’t the 5th Air Force, but the 8th). The Aztec material is derivative of Steinman’s book, the MJ-12 information is taken from there (or maybe from any of Stan Friedman’s many writings on it), and there is nothing that is suggestive of advanced scholarship. The writing does not sound as if it came from a government source, and without names, without government agencies, without any way to check things out, this just doesn’t seem to be authentic. (... ) it it is now clear that this does nothing to further our knowledge and just confuses an already confused issue."
Nick Pope, who investigated the UFO phenomena for the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) until 2009, described them as "fake with a capital F" (...) "These documents are completely and utterly bogus. The language and the wider feel of these UFO documents is just plain wrong. It's as if someone was playing buzzword bingo with all the words and phrases that excite UFO believers, and throwing in some New Age philosophy for good measure."
UFO publisher Philip Mantle claimed it was irrefutable they were fake, as they referred to a fictitious location in Nevada. He posted on Facebook: "The final nail in the coffin is. . . according to these documents, the SECRET MJ-12 HQ is under Flat Rock, Nevada, a fictional town invented for Michael Crichton's "Andromeda Strain" novel!"
Isaac Koi (a pseudonym) called this new "MJ12" document "A (poor) joke, rather than a hoax intended to actually fool anyone? Some of the names in this silly document appear to be taken from famous science fiction novels. "Digger Command" is a fictional entity in Vernor Vinge's novels. The location of "Flat Rock, Nevada" mentioned in the document is the _fictional_ setting of the lab in Michael Crichton's novel "The Andromeda Strain". (That fictional location has subsequently been borrowed for at least a couple of other science fiction novels). (...) I can't be bothered checking the entirety of the document for more."
[Quotes from Nick Pope and Philip Mantle are from].
Server move April 2017
Over the weekend the website will be moved to a new server and will temporarily be unavailable. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Scientists just discovered an Alien Planet that’s the best candidate for Life as we know it
Scientists have located an exoplanet that's the best candidate for life as we know it. They believe it may prove to be an even more important target for the future characterization of planets in the habitable zone than Proxima b or TRAPPIST-1.
“We could hardly hope for a better target to perform one of the biggest quests in science — searching for evidence of life beyond Earth.”
NASA discovers entire new solar system: What could life there look like?
Researchers revealed that they have made perhaps the most promising exoplanet discovery ever, finding seven planets that are in orbit around a relatively nearby star, TRAPPIST-1. And three of those planets appear to satisfy many of the most important requirements for life – they are not too cold or too warm, are roughly the same size as Earth, and could feature a rocky floor and water.
Chilean Navy UFO incident
One incident that is getting a lot of attention at the moment happened in Chile, two years ago.
The information was released to the public by the Chilean Navy, some days ago.
See, e.g., Leslie Kean's article on it:
Here is one of the videos about the incident.
And here is the full footage, as released by the Chilean Navy:
Discovery of potentially Earth-like planet Proxima b raises hopes for life
The search for life outside our solar system has been brought to our cosmic doorstep with the discovery of an apparently rocky planet orbiting the nearest star to our sun.
The 2016 Fall Semester starts at the Exopolitics Institute
There is a lot of disinformation going around in the ufology / Exopolitics community. Can you tell fact from fiction? The courses at the Exopolitics Institute aim to provide you with a framework of knowledge to do just that.
On 5 September 2016, the Fall semester of courses starts at the Exopolitics Institute.
Three courses are on offer:
- Exo-101: Introduction to Exopolitics,
- Exo-102: Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrials, and
- Exo-103: Best Evidence - Expert Witness Testimony and Views on the ET Presence
Don't miss out on this great opportunity.
Interview with Elizabeth Klarer
An interview with South African contactee Elizabeth Klärer was published on YouTube. The interview probably took place in 1984 or 1985.
(The embedded video above does not always display correctly because of a bug in the video player. If that's the case, please use the Youtube link above it).
Richard Dolan on 'After Disclosure'
Interview with Richard Dolan on what happens 'After Disclosure'.
Impossible vanishing stars could be signs of advanced alien life
It’s a cosmic game of hide-and-seek. A team of astronomers say that the next search for advanced extraterrestrial civilizations should look for stars – or even galaxies – that have vanished without a trace, as anything so unexplainable could only be due to life far more intelligent than us.
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